What is the benefit of manga advertisement?
Manga advertisement is a way to let the potential lead clients have a stimulated experience of using the product that is presented in manga.
Manga Advertisement focuses on the story construction to make sure that the readers truly understand what is presented in the manga.
Company history, about your products, and so on to be well converted by manga advertisement.
Manga advertisement helps you to conduct lead nurturing aiming at acquiring repeated customers.
Another strength of manga used in advertisement/marketing is that the people who are not so much interested in your products will get interested in it “because it’s manga”.
Grab your persona by targeting precisely with manga advertisements!
All the prices are written in Japanese Yen.
Japanese consumption tax of 10% to be added
The colour is black and white unless specified when ordering (the colour option cost 1.5 times than original price)
The 3 reasons why work with us?
【Case1】Works Mobile Japan Inc.
【Case 2】Bonds Group Inc.
【Case 3】Unasei LLC.
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